Notes from the Ether:
From NFTs to AI
The main entrance to ArtScience Museum will be closed on 27 May due to an event. ArtScience Museum will be operating as usual and members of the public can still access the museum via the second entrance near Miracle Coffee. SweetSpot at ArtScience Museum will also be closed on 27 May.
纵观历史,艺术家们总是最先接纳前沿科技,发挥才智与潜能,冲破现世的创作方式。如今,他们注意到两个正在飞速发展的领域 - 区块链和人工智能。这两块沃土提供了源源不断的创作机会,吸引着大批观众。
Notes from the Ether 汇聚了 20 名在这些全新领域探索的艺术家。不管是由代码生成的鲜艳图像,还是与机器合力创作的自画像,这场展览旨在探索艺术创作如何展现不断变化的时代,而这个多变的时代预示着艺术、文化和技术无缝融合的未来景象。
本展览由艺术科学博物馆策展人 Deborah Lim 和策展嘉宾 Clara Che Wei Peh 策划。
Memo Akten
Burak Arikan
Mitchell F Chan
Simon Denny
Harm van den Dorpel
Sarah Friend
Rimbawan Gerilya
Holly Herndon and Mathew Dryhurst
Tyler Hobbs and Dandelion Wist
Larva Labs
Jonas Lund
Ninaad Kothawade
Sarah Meyohas
Rhea Myers
Aaron Penne
Aluan Wang
Emily Xie