1970和80年代的作品通常被称为“老派”涂鸦,其风格如今看来依然鲜明可辨。无论是在地铁、墙面还是画布上,这种用喷罐在所选表面进行创作的方式与街头艺术有着千丝万缕的联系。相关创作实践后来演变成为一种风潮,在这个过程中A-One、DONDI 或 Futura等人发挥了关键作用。他们一边大胆尝试,一边想方设法倾注自己的热情。他们的早期作品大多是在肾上腺素飙升的状态下,在相互竞争仿效的过程中完成,因此往往充满活力且风格独特。

Crash (b. 1961)
Untitled, 1982
Spray paint on canvas
Lourdel Collection
Photo: courtesy of Stéphane Bisseuil

QUIK (b.1958)
I'll never grow old, 1987
Spray paint on canvas
Lourdel Collection

Futura (b.1955)
Untitled, c. 1982
Spray paint on concert background
Lerouge Collection
Photo: courtesy of Stéphane Bissseuil

A-One (1964–2001)
The Babylon System, the Prophet, 1985 Spray paint on canvas
Private Collection

DONDI (b. 1961)
Untitled, 1984
Spray paint on canvas
Private Collection

Blade (b. 1958)
Distant Traveller, 1987
Spray paint and marker on canvas
Blade was only 15 years old when he formed the Crazy Five Crew. He was later nicknamed the “King of Whole Cars” after having spray painted 5,000 subway cars in total on lines 5 and 2 of the New York subway between 1975 to 1980.
Blade’s contribution to graffiti culture is fundamental as he was the first artist to develop the entire composition around an initial tag. With this approach, the trend was not just about writing one’s name as big as possible but also about the careful choice of colours and the addition of objects and symbols to the composition, as well as the use of perspective and geometry.